Buggy-friendly walk
Dog-friendly walk
Parking available within the park grounds G74 5LB. Local bus services stop on Stewartfield Way close to park entrance.
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This one is very simple! From any of the car parks head towards the loch and walk around it using the concrete footpath in either direction until you have completed your loop.
WALK REVIEW: 12th January 2016
It was late afternoon and the kids were driving me mad at home so I did my usual trick of getting them ready to go out for some fresh air.
I decided to drive to East Kilbride, half hoping they would fall asleep on the way and I could read my book for half an hour before driving back home to make dinner however it was not to be and we arrived with everyone fully awake and wondering where on earth mummy had brought when it was ‘getting dark’. It was not getting dark just for the record, and we saw a beautiful sunset just to prove the case 🙂
It had been quite a drizzly day which had not been the forecast and I’d been waiting all day for the rain to clear as predicted and it hadn’t happened until now so here we were at James Hamilton Heritage Park, a place we had passed in the car many times but only managed to visit once.
There is an information board at the start of the walk which says it is ¾ of a mile circumference so not too long a walk for an evening stroll. We saw swans and geese blocking the path at one section! Nathan wasn’t too keen but they didn’t bother with him: they were too busy looking for crumbs. In the summer you can hire pedalos from the boathouse and there is a play area next to the car park, however neither were an option today (park was soaking and it was indeed getting dark by the end of the walk). Plus Nathan managed to trip over his own feet in the last 2 minutes of the walk and fall into the only muddy puddle on the whole walk. This meant a journey home with no trousers on which he was not impressed about.
We will definitely be back here in the Summer to use the facilities!